Golcar Junior Infant And Nursery School

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Golcar Junior Infant And Nursery School

  1. School Life
  2. Sports Coaching

Sports Coaching


Golcar Junior, Infant and Nursery are lucky to have secured a dedicated sports coach. Mr Broadley plays a pivotal role in fostering a love for physical activity among all pupils. Committed to inclusivity, our coach works tirelessly to ensure that every student not only participates in Physical Education but also thoroughly enjoys the experience. Collaborating closely with Mr Gillespie, our Sports Lead, Mr Broadley is actively involved in the selection process for school teams, identifying and nurturing talent.

Beyond team selection, he provides specialized training sessions, tailoring programs to enhance each student's skills and capabilities. His involvement extends to attending various sporting events, supporting and cheering on our students as they showcase their talents. With a passion for promoting a healthy and active lifestyle, our sports coach is dedicated to creating an environment where every pupil can thrive and find joy in physical activities.